Saturday, April 9, 2011






Food : SP VS KL
Burger : RM1.80 VS RM2.50
大块面 (Apom Balik) : RM1.50 (4 pieces) VS RM0.80 (per piece)
炸鸡(鸡腿) : RM1.50 - RM2.00 VS RM3.00 - RM4.50
Satay : RM0.30 VS RM0.80
粿条汤 : RM2.20 VS RM4.50
椰水 : RM2.50 VS RM4.00



Thursday, April 7, 2011


- 相信你有试过遇到小人。那些会在背后静静的插你两刀,但是在你面前扮和你很熟的样子。通常不是你的性格得罪了人,而是你的成功让人嫉妒。


- 社会政治导致的贫富差距,国家欠缺完善的制度,公司让人气馁的企业文化等等。我们都会不时的感叹这些现象,多么希望我们能为这现象作出改善。也许力量小,但真的不容易。


- 有一句话说 :生气,是和自己过不去。


- 为什么爸爸那么疼妹妹?为什么妈妈就让弟弟吃鸡腿?为什么哥哥可以买车,但我不可以?为什么?为什么?为什么?


- 过去的爱情,过去的友情,过去的选择,有时会让我们后悔,有时会让我们放不下。放开胸怀,才能把握当下。过去就让他过去。


- 把握现在,活在当下。这句话虽然听起来简单,但实际上需要有智慧去实践它。当我们在逃避某件事的时候,其实我们是和现实过不去。面对现实吧! 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


【 假如有一天,你丢失了爱情,











Sunday, February 13, 2011

Try me.

We fear failure.
We need support to face it. 
We need to be brave and courages.

KL is a dream pool where most of the people wish to make dreams come true. And I am one of them, a dream chaser in KL. Just like the others, I fell down many times while chasing my dreams. I locked myself alone in my room, tried to be OK, tried to be really OK. But I couldn't. In the end, I cried.

The reason I cried is not totally because of failure. To be honest, I have failed more than 10 times. 4 out of 10 were almost reaching my goal. But in the end, I failed. The feeling was very complicated. I was sad, because I could not make it. At the same time, I feel happy for my friend, because they made it. But what kind of feeling should I express to face them (winner) when the result is announced.

This time, I failed again for being a host on TV2 talk show. Again, I'm so sorry to my friends, especially those who are very supportive. But hor... Every time while waiting for the result, I felt I am getting it. Who knows in the end, I have to put a smile on my face, acting like "I DON'T CARE", then back to the origin, waiting for another chance again. Am I being over-confident? I don't know. I am lost.

Thank you so much to all my friends & family, for being so supportive. 

We fear failure.
We need support to face it. 
We need to be brave and courages.
BUT we also need POSITIVE ENERGY to keep our dreams young & alive.

Like Richard de Vos said: If you have a dream, make it happen.

One day, I will. Try me. :)